I was thinking about this Newgrounds account today,
I pondered the last few months and what I have been doing in that amount of time, thinking about stuff on Newgrounds, what I like and don’t like about it, and my future career. The biggest realization is that I was not having fun with my art. I realize that I’m still growing as an artist but I have an unhealthy mindset of thinking that my work has to be like the art you see on the front page but I end up not liking what I made as a result. So what I’m going to do is make this account more of my personal account as a way of my art to grow naturally so I don’t rush myself and eventually become a mediocre artist. If I make a serious project in the future, the best thing for me to do is ether make a separate account for it, or set up its website so that it’s away from this account, and it could act as my portfolio. I’m hoping with this strategy, I would be able to have more fun with the projects that are not as serious. If you have a question about what I’m going to do, or
about this post, feel free to leave a comment below, I’ll do my best to respond.